
サイト 割引 ソフト名 スコア 価格
Steam 50% Zeno Clash 78 $9.99
75% Heroes of Might & Magic V 77 $4.99
HoMM V: Tribes of the East 70 $4.99
50% HoMM V: Hammers of Fate 66 $4.99
67% HoMM V Pack - $12.99
55% The Heroes Pack - $19.96
Impulse 33% Warlords Battlecry III 73 $9.99
Capitalism II 82 $9.99
Restaurant Empire 76 $9.99
Nemesis of the Roman Empire 74 $9.99
Supreme Commander Gold 86+81 $19.99
20% GalCiv II - Ultimate Edition 86-92 $39.95
66% Elven Legacy 71 $9.99
60% Sword of the Stars:Complete - $15.99
50% Space Rangers 2 Complete 84 $19.95
25% AI War: Fleet Command NA $14.99
Aztaka NA $18.49
GOG.com 30% SpellForce + The Guild - $13.98
GamersGate 60% Sword of the Stars:Complete - $15.95
50% Sid Meier's Railroads! 77 $9.95
Anno 1503 Gold and Anno 1701 Gold 74/79 $19.99
15% Unreal Anthology - $16.95
Unreal Gold NA $8.45
Unreal II: The Awakening 75 $12.70
Unreal Tournament 2004 93 $8.45
Unreal Tournament 3 83 $16.95
Unreal Tournament: Game 92 $8.45

SteamのHoMMセット、GOGのSpellForce Guildセットが気になる感じ。
あとセールではないけどSteamで発売されたEvil Genius、ニコ動のプレイ動画見たけど結構好みセール来たら欲しいかも

